Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Top 10 Discoveries of 2011: #4

Name: Moonlight Social
Original Post: http://corneroflostandfound.blogspot.com/2011/08/moonlight-social.html

Why: Well, first off, you obviously don't pay attention to much on my blog if you're shocked they made this list. I'm just saying. I love this band. I love their sound. I love what they're doing. Of course, I may be slightly biased because I know them. BUT, I can look past that to see that they are REALLY talented and definitely deserve to be on my list, especially since they are the one band I've seen more than my #1 discovery this year. HELL, I've seen them more than I've seen my favorite band EVER. (Note, I live in Austin, and they play in Austin, so it's a LOT easier to see them a bunch of times. BUT THAT ISN'T THE POINT!) So yeah, I'd be remiss to leave them off of my list.

What they've done since I posted about them: WELL, they are going to record with Matt Noveskey. And they just played their last show of the year before doing that. Uhm... I would post video from that if I had any buuuuut I don't.... So in the mean time, go support them by buying their EP from iTunes and donate to their debut album at their Kickstarter

Oh, and they got interviewed by me, which you can read over HERE.

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