Saturday, May 19, 2012

Ryan Ashley

I like when people refer me to artists to look into, especially when they're people that I don't know, because not only does it make me feel cool but it also gives me a new outlet. Generally I end up finding bands that sound alike because I generally find all my music through the same channels. So, it only stands to reason that when I was tweeted to check out Ryan Ashley, I made a mental note to do so. I mean, if someone was taking the time to tweet me to tell me to check him out, he must be decent, right? AND they also noted that the guy is only 16. Now, you should know that it blows my mind to find people with SO much talent when they are so young so curiosity got the better of me and I found myself on his youtube channel.

The kid has 22 videos up, covers that he's done over the past couple of years-- I think his oldest being done when he was 14-- and I mean, yeah, I'm blown away by his talent. (I also had a hard time believing he was only 16 because he just doesn't look 16, but whatever. That isn't the point lol. I guess kids these days just look older.) What I love about his covers is he doesn't just hit the track of the original song and redo it as it was, just with his voice. He turns them into more soulful renditions and makes them his own, which, in case you were wondering, means they come out stunningly. I also love how pure his voice sounds, if that makes any sense. It's refreshing to hear a voice that doesn't sounded jaded by the industry and just like they're singing to sing a song. It almost sounds like he isn't working at all, but more like he's just breathing and that voice is happening.

On top of that, you can also hear the amount of growth he's made over the past two years. Is he perfect? No. But the kid is only 16 years old, and if he can do some of the things he's doing now at this age, can you imagine in a few more years when he's 20? He's going to be a force to be reckoned with, that's for sure. But until then? Well, I guess we'll just have to keep watching his covers, now won't we? (And hoping for the day we can add him to our iPods legally. Not that I'd ever stoop to a youtube to mp3 conversion site *coughs*)

Go Download: Man, I wish I could download his music. But from what I can see, we can't download anything yet. But you should def keep an eye on his Twitter, Facebook and Youtube for updates :)

(You should all note that BTNLT alum Ed Sheeran thinks he's got a fantastic voice as well.)

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