Wednesday, February 22, 2012

We Caught the Castle

So I was checking my Tumblr, you know, to see if anyone thought any of my posts were interesting enough to reblog and whatnot when I saw that I gained a new follower! Gaining a new follower on Tumblr always excites me because I figure they're following me because the genuinely like what I post, which means they like me because my Tumblr is basically what the inside of my head looks like. Anyway, so I checked out who followed me, and much to my surprise, it was a guy by the name of Joe Sellers, and he is in a band.

Upon clicking on the video he had posted of his band, I just HAD to listen to more of their music. I have mentioned before that I am not a fan of the female voice. My iPod is dominated by men, mainly because women can just be so damn whiney. But We Caught the Castle's front woman Hollie Elizabeth could sure as HELL hold her own on my iTunes library. While I come to find that many female vocalists in the pop-rock/punk genre are often compared to Hayley Williams or Cassadee Pope, I can't help but feel that Hollie not only could run circles around the two, but should be one of the voices others are compared to instead. (Not that I have anything against Hayley Williams or Cassadee Pope. They just are not my favorite female vocalists.)

But Ms. Elizabeth's voice isn't the the main component of what makes WCTC so good. No, this band is one of those bands that has found the magical combination. Maybe separately they are all great, but together... well... together they're fucking menace. While Hollie is the main voice, Robbie Everett (Bass), Simon Jackman (Lead Guitar) and the aforementioned Joe (Rhythm Guitar) all contribute vocals, creating such a wonderful contrast to blast from my speakers.

Don't think that this means I've forgotten Zak Watson, the band's drummer, because this boy holds it down. Generally, I'm not immediately captured by drums. I am aware that they're there, but I get caught up in voices first, and then guitars, and so on. However, this time around, my ears are just drawn to the pulsing, driving, crashing sounds that he's doling out on his drum set, and boy are they pleased.

I also think I should mention that Simon rocks a killer guitar solo in their song "Say What You Want." (Fun fact: I just listened to that song three times in a row because I liked it so much.)

Basically, these guys are where it's at. As far as I'm concerned, I would consider them my favorite female fronted band, and that is saying something. They are definitely a gem, and I kind of feel like I need to personally thank Joe for following me on Tumblr so that I could discover them.

ALSO, they're going to drop an album in March. They're doing a launch party for it March 23, so I can only assume that it comes out around that time. So if you're in Reading, you should DEFINITELY check it out. (Just add this to the many list of reasons as to why I live in the wrong country. -.- I need to get to the England. STAT.)

Go Download: Everything they have on iTunes. Seriously. That's like, $6. So worth it.

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