Sunday, February 5, 2012

The After Party\

You know when a blockbuster comes out? And everyone hypes it up SOOOOO much and your expectations are so high that by the time you finally do get around to seeing the movie, it just can't live up to the hype? (Here's lookin at you Shutter Island.) Well, that was my biggest fear with The After Party. You see, my dear friend Siri actually knows these guys, so of course she told me about how awesome they were. So yeah, they had a lot to live up to.

And you wanna know what?

They definitely met my expectations, if not exceeded them. I got the chance to see them on the "All The Way" Tour with Allstar Weekend, Hollywood Ending and Before You Exit when they were in San Antonio. (You know, because for some reason bands have an aversion to Austin in the Spring. We're cool too, ok!) And boy did they put on a show. They were up beat, and dancing, and just having a damn good time even though the venue was seriously lacking in AC.

Now, anyone who knows me knows that I can appreciate a song with a good catchy beat that is like caffeine for the soul, and this band has managed to capture that in all their songs.

BUT WAIT! THERE'S MORE! You think they're just a fun pop group that can only make songs that make you wanna dance, be it at a show or around in your room with a hairbrush microphone (I'm still allowed to do that even though I'm turning 21 this year, right?), but you're wrong! They even have the sentimental ballad, "California," that is just so sweet. When they played it at the show-- with doctored lyrics to say San Antonio instead-- My heart may have melted just a little bit. It probably would have melted more if I was actually from San Antonio, but whatever. I can still appreciate lol.

BUT WAIT! IT GETS EVEN BETTER! They are really nice guys. And you guys know by now that I hold bands with nice guys up pretty high. We talked with them for a bit after the show and they just seemed like genuinely nice guys. (Ok, well I didn't get to talk to Kenny, the lead singer, but he seems like a cool dude too lol)

Anyway, now that I've digressed multiple times, you guys should know that I've fallen pretty hardcore for these boys, and their CD that Siri made me isn't going to be leaving my car CD player anytime soon.

Go Download: Their self-titled EP from iTunes!!! (And also, have I mentioned that they covered *NSYNC and actually did them justice? I didn't? Well. They did.)

Can I also just say that I can back any boys that rock the fake moustache XD


  1. Happy dance, happy dance! I'm so glad that you like them and that they surpassed expectations! <3 Road trip to Dallas possibly in the future (;

    1. I'm totally down :D We have Tommy the Talking Tom Tom to guide the way and Lil Diablo is great on gas!
